30 Day Picture Shenanigans - Day 20: Car Crash
It's been a while since I've posted. This summer was busy. I picked up full time hours at work and have been busy squeezing in as much homeschooling as possible before I have to go back to school. Something happened that has left me with very much time on my hands, so blogging resumes.
Two Saturdays ago (August 11th) Mr. Sty and the child and I were heading to Madison for their awesome farmer's market on Capitol Square when we were in a car crash on the freeway.
It is technically an at fault accident for Mr. Sty, but he reacted in such a way that he minimized injuries to everybody. Aside from having never happened at all, the accident couldn't have gone any better. Nobody was seriously injured, which is amazing since Mr. Sty wasn't wearing his seat belt and his rock-hard cranium shattered the windshield. The car is totaled, so we are going through the whole car-shopping process now, which is dumb for many reasons.

Little girl was asleep when it happened. She woke up freaked out, understandably, but after two minutes of me reassuring her that it would be okay she was totally bored by the whole situation. The EMTs and firefighters were there cutting off the side of the car and she barely noticed. She was excited because an off-duty EMT who stopped (Kevin...amazing...restored a bit of my faith in humanity) gave her a huge case of Strawberry Shortcake bandages. In the ER they had her bed next to mine. At one point they wheeled her into her own room to do a portable chest X-ray. When they asked if she wanted to go back into my room, she said that she'd rather lay in her bed and watch the Disney Channel. I don't know how she is so well adjusted. She also told me that hospitals should really have books for kids to read because the whole day was boring. Ridiculous.
Anyway, I ended up being the one with the most injuries, although they are not serious. My seat belt hurt my shoulder muscles and tendons. This has left me unable to drive myself anywhere, which means that I have been off work since the accident. I can't lift things, stretch that arm, pick things up off the floor, open jars, or KNIT! (Don't worry, I'm surviving. Barely.) You'd think it would be nice to have an excuse to lay around on your ass for a few weeks, unable to do chores or work. It actually really sucks. I'm bored, my house is messy (although Mr. Sty has been doing a good job of taking care of me), and I don't understand why everything isn't fine after a few days!
On the up side, the weather has been gorgeous lately and the child and I have been sitting on our porch a lot. I am feeling better than I was a week ago, although I still can't drive and have to start PT pretty soon. I'm hoping that it's just the massage kind of PT, not the weight-lifting kind of PT because, really, I'm lazy. And it's not like my job description requires a ton of heavy-lifting. I have been managing to knit a few rows here and there, so that helps too.
Oh, in lighter news, I took the PCAT (pharmacy college admissions test) to see how good of a candidate I would be for pharmacy school next fall. I got the results of the test and nearly pooped my pants. Out of the thousands of people who have taken the PCAT between 2005 and 2011, I scored in the 94th percentile. I actually called several people on my way home to ask how the percentile system worked. I was pretty sure that I was misreading it and that I was actually in the bottom 6 percent of my peers. I went home and Googled the scores and the scoring system for the next 4 hours before I felt like I could tell anybody. I'm thrilled, obviously, but part of me is kind of waiting for a letter in the mail detailing some kind of scoring screw-up. I'll let you know when that comes.