
Friday, August 24, 2012

30 Day Picture Shenanigans - Day 22

30 Day Picture Shenanigans - Day 22: Wildlife

So, this was on my front window today.

Giant praying mantis

Apparently, I live in the fucking jungle.  This isn't one of those cases where a picture of something small just looks big because of a weird angle.  This is actually, like, 5 inches long. 

Please excuse the crappy photo.  It is difficult to take a picture of a bug on a giant pane of glass on a sunny day.  Especially when your insurance claims adjuster is still parked outside your house and you probably shouldn't be moving around too much. 

I told the girl-child (who was thoroughly freaked out by this whole thing) that we should name it.  She didn't want to.  I seem to recall a praying mantis being in some ridiculous late-night adult-ish cartoon in the 90s, but I can't remember now...  Oh well.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

Ben 10? Maybe Batman. Ask Aidan. He'd know. That thing could have carried away the pig. (BTW, hilarious)

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