30 Day Picture Shenanigans - Day 15: Flower Shop
Some days my child is a complete turd. She just acts like an asshole. I know that all kids do this, but I have very little tolerance for it. Child's room is so messy that you literally cannot walk beyond the doorway without stepping on library books and Barbie shoes. We have been trying to get her to pick things up after she's done with them, but the cleaning thing does not seem to be sticking. When I told her that she and the neighbor girls couldn't play in her room today, she went into fricking meltdown mode. Crying, pouting, hiding under the coffee table...pretty much everything short of giving me the finger. (I'm sure she would have if she knew what it meant.) After 30 minutes of me ignoring her she decided that her "mood meter went up" and that she was fine now.
I was not. I was calmly pissed. I am tired of cleaning her room for her only to have it destroyed 24 hours later. I know that every kid does this and that it would help a lot if there wasn't so much junk in her bedroom. While she was outside playing I went into her room and put
everything into not one, not two, but
six huge black garbage bags. I left her bed and a large beanbag. There are a few books on shelves and some stuffed animals. She came in halfway through and seemed thrilled that I was cleaning her room for her until I informed her that these bags were going into the garage until I can sort through them and decide what she gets back. (In hindsight, I should have thought a little harder about what I was chucking into garbage bags. Her TV remote and Nintendo DS charger are in there somewhere. I'm not opposed to a stretch of time without TV or video games, but the noise from the TV at night helps her sleep, so this should be interesting.) Mr. Sty came home shortly after and, while he admitted that everything needed to be sorted and some stuff needed to go, told me that I had gone crazy. (This feeling of his was only affirmed when I went and did the same thing to the kitchen cabinets after the bedroom was empty.)
After being thoroughly annoyed with my child for most of the afternoon, I went outside to discover that she and the neighbor girl had spent their hours setting up a "flower shop" on our back deck.
(My favorites are the "purple magnificents". And the "tree stick".)
Sometimes kids do things that are so innocent, imaginative, and reminiscent of your own childhood that they really could be standing there flipping you the bird and you just wouldn't care. After discovering this, I
felt like the asshole for thinking that my daughter could possibly ever be a jerk. I'm sticking to my guns about the toys for now, but not letting it be the major thing in our day.
Cooking Tip of the Day: Soft Pretzels
Yesterday, my oh-so-wise child told me that we really should just make our own bread, jelly, and cheese. Today, when she said that she had a taste for soft pretzels, I decided we could make our own. I turned to my
cooking bibles and found
this pretzel recipe. This was actually surprisingly easy. The dough recipe is pretty standard. After letting it rise for an hour, you split it into 8 pieces. The pieces are rolled into thin tubes and then shaped. We did some standard pretzel shapes and then Child got creative and made some figure-8's, some clover shapes, some that looked like eyeglasses... Anyway, apparently the key to a soft pretzel is boiling it in baking-soda water for 30 seconds before it is egg-washed, salted, and baked.
The whole process was going splendidly. I was all "Oh, man, I am so awesome. I'm making pretzels! I should take a bazillion pictures like those fancy food people and put them on my blog and everyone's mouths will water and I will be some kind of super mom!" (Side note: In case you don't know or haven't figured it out yet, I use my phone to take any pictures on this blog. Why? Because I'm cheap and lazy.)
This leads us to our cooking tip of the day: when you are boiling the pretzels in the baking-soda water, it is very
very important to NOT drop your phone into the water.
Yes, that's right, while I was up on my high horse I kerplunked my phone directly into a pot of boiling soda water. I don't quite remember how I got it out. I'm assuming that I used a spatula since my hands aren't covered in burns. Child ran away as if the events were going to result in some series of fiery explosions. I cursed and gutted the phone, drying what I could. I threw it in a bag of rice (which I found rather quickly thanks to my earlier cupboard cleaning).
I don't know how, but it still works. Maybe I got it out of the water fast enough? I have dropped other phones (yes, plural) into toilets and they do not work. The bad thing, though, is that my camera lens is now covered in a fog of water vapor. Also, apparently baking soda water leaves a white crusty film over everything once the water is evaporated, so I'm sure that will be all up in my phone too. So, no pictures of pretzels for you. But trust me, they were
amazing. We dipped them into a chocolate sauce that I made a couple of months ago. (The sauce was so good that I couldn't bear to throw it away, so it's been waiting in a jar in the back of my fridge for the perfect moment to come. I think this was also an Alton Brown recipe. I love him.)
Anyway, summing things up: Everyone is an asshole sometimes, even small children. Everyone is inspiring and amazing sometimes, especially small children. If you started a blog to essentially poke fun at most other blogs, but then try to do something like those other blogs, the universe (hear me mom?) will reach down and slap your expensive electronics into boiling kettles and then laugh at you. (Screw you, universe. Screw you.)