
Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Day Picture Shenanigans: Day 9

30 Day Picture Shenanigans: Day 9 - Vote

As a Wisconsinite, tomorrow is a big day.  If you live in Wisconsin, I want you to think about what you want from your government and what kind of state you want Wisconsin to be.  I don't care who you vote for (well...that's a lie, I totally care, but I'm not going to tell you which candidate I care about, although you can probably use some deductive reasoning to guess).  JUST VOTE!  Seriously.  I know people say this all the time.  I've had 3 people come to my door today reminding me to vote (I have a funny story about one...maybe I'll share tomorrow when I'm not so tired).

Think of it this way: if you don't vote, you are sacrificing your right to bitch and complain about your government.  And really, isn't that one of the best things about being an American?

Also, I know so many people that vote one way or the other based on a single issue.  Please, try to look at the whole picture.

Okay, that post was kind of serious.  And it involved no pictures.

 People who don't vote make the girl-child very, very angry.

 And when she gets angry, her face melts "Raiders of the Lost Ark" style.  Don't melt children's faces.

Also, I would like to share with you a moment from my day.

Moment of the Day:
Today, I had a friend over for dinner.  I didn't notice that she had set her purse on the floor near a chair in the living room.  A few hours later while we were eating, I heard the familiar wet smacking sound of a pig frantically chewing something.  I should mention that if there is gum in the house and it is lower than 3 feet off of the ground, Sparkle Pig will find it.  He will pull backpacks off of chairs.  He will empty coat pockets.  He will fricking unzip your purse to get to the gum.  Once he finds your gum, he will chomp and chomp on the entire pack (cardboard and all) for anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes.  Today he gingerly dug through my friend's Coach purse and removed only her pack of Trident.  There's really nothing you can do about it.  Try taking gum out of a pig's mouth without losing a finger.  We figured he would get bored and swallow it eventually.   

I'm not lying, three hours later he was still chewing that damn gum.  The pig walked around the house for three damn hours smacking his face like a combination of a dumb teenage girl and an old man with loose dentures.  At one point he laid down on the living room floor like he was going to sleep, but he just kept chewing the stupid gum!  (We thought maybe this was a sort of cry for help.  Maybe as long as the gum was still in his mouth, he had to chew it, but really he was becoming exhausted and strung out and getting pig-TMJ and really wanted us to confiscate the gum and save him from himself.  We organized an intervention, which resulted in a lot of pig squealing, and were unsuccessful at retrieving the gum.)  Finally, at 9-ish tonight (after 4 hours of gum's amazing how quickly you become immune to a sound that once drove you to kill...) we realized that the house was strangely quiet.  The gum was gone.  

Don't worry, we found it a few minutes later stuck to the carpet and the pig's foot.

So, there a Guinness record for a pig-gum-chewing marathon?

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