This is a picture of a magazine that I've been reading lately. I picked up the latest issue this morning on the way to work.
I think it's appropriate for me. (Only because I like fame and fortune, have been meaning to watch Mad Men, and am a trophy wife, or might be some day.)
But really, it's full of articles that actually make my poor little brain work. Some of them are a bit too much for me, but overall I really like the magazine. However, if I bring it to work, I obviously can't leave it laying around on the counter. (Although, now that I think about it, we carry the Stitch n' Bitch books.) If I turn it face down, however, another work-inappropriate problem presents itself.
The back cover features an ad for She Bop (link probably NSFW), a "female friendly sex toy boutique" in Portland. (Good name, I think.) Anyway...I don't want any pearl-clutching going on at the shop, so I usually save this mag for my at-home reading. I know that we are in the age of technology, but there's just something I love about magazines. I have a hard time getting rid of them, too. Someday, after the apocalypse, I will have hours of entertainment thanks to my magazine stash when everyone else has nothing to read because they can't charge their Kindles. Nothing I say, nothing.
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